**ACP Important Program Changes**
Instead of laying miles and miles of fiber optic cable to connect a single rural home, FWA (Fixed Wireless Internet) utilizes modern wireless radio technologies to create a high-speed bridge from an elevated fiber-fed tower to a home location. Internet service is relayed through radio signals from the tower location to an antenna installed on a home owner's roof.
Subscriber homes are typically within 10 miles of our tower equipment and have a clear or near line of site to a tower. Fixed wireless service is very effective in rural areas where complex fiber or cable internet infrastructure is often not available due to the high cost of deployment and operation.
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Higher speed capabilities with fast upload/download speeds and greater convenience to game, shop online, and more!
Faster than DSL or wireline, our Premier Package delivers Big-time Speed at a small-time price!
Our most preferred home internet service plan. Connectivity with the speed you need to enjoy all your favorite web activities.
The perfect plan for email, web surfing, streaming, social media, and other basic internet services.
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